Benefits of Hiring a Garage Door Expert

Benefits of Hiring a Garage Door Expert

People use their garage doors most of the time, and it’s an essential area for keeping things or an extension of a home. Without a properly-working garage, you will compromise your home’s safety and comfort. No matter how current your overhead door’s design is, there will always come a time when it won’t work correctly. Knowing the contact details of a Lansing garage door company is quite useful in cases of emergency. Here are some gains for hiring an expert in overhead doors. Frequent Maintenance, Fewer Repairs A well-maintained overhead door is less likely to break down, which is why […]

Why Spring Is the Right Time for Garage Door Repair

For many of us, spring is the best time of year. You start to shake off the cold of winter, the days start to get longer, and you can put those heavy jackets away and spend some more time outdoors. It’s also just far enough past New Year’s that you can finally keep all those New Year’s resolutions you made to yourself: like finally fixing that old garage door. So, if you’ve thought about contacting your local Lansing garage door company, here are a few reasons you shouldn’t put off garage door repair any longer. Tax Returns A lot of […]

3 Reasons to Upgrade Your Garage Door

Despite how many times you use your garage door in a week, you probably give it little thought. So, as long as it’s working and void of dents, scratches, and any other apparent blemishes, your garage door likely goes unnoticed. This major feature, however, has significant effects on your house. Aside from improving your house’s curb appeal, a working and appealing garage door provides you with practical benefits, such as improving energy efficiency and the return investment. You should consider undergoing garage door repair in Lansing, MI, for the following three reasons. Curb Appeal If it is visible from the street, a […]

The Benefits of Winter Garage Door Maintenance

As winter approaches, Lansing homeowners take the usual precautions to prepare themselves and their homes for inclement weather. Sadly, contacting one of the many garage door installation professionals throughout Michigan for winter garage door maintenance (also known as winterizing) often fails to make the list of routine preparations that many of us deem crucial for the season. While older garage doors and doors that have already suffered some degree of damage are the most susceptible to significant harm from winter weather, all garage doors can benefit from winterizing. Here are the key advantages: Avoiding Expensive Repairs Summer weather often causes […]

How to Prevent Garage Door Breakdown

Preventative Maintenance You change your furnace filter every two to three months to ensure your heating and cooling systems work properly year-round. Your underground sprinkler system is treated to service in the spring, and then again in preparation for winter. Why shouldn’t your garage door get the same preventative treatment? Regular garage door maintenance will help keep your garage door working smoothly and may even prevent costly repairs. Winter is Here! The calendar may say the season is fall but winter weather conditions have arrived in the Mid-west. If you live in Lansing, MI, colder temperatures and early snow mean […]

How to Winterize Your Garage Door

Getting your garage door ready for the cold is necessary for any home. With garage door maintenance, you can boost energy efficiency, create a comfortable space and protect your garage’s interior. Winterize your garage with the following steps from Ingstrup Garage Doors and Construction. 1. Insulate Your Garage Door and Walls Adding insulation is a comprehensive way to improve your garage door’s weather resistance. You can choose from a few insulation types with different efficiency ratings. If you already have garage door insulation, inspect it for damage and wear, and replace any ineffective parts.  2. Caulk Around Your Garage Door Caulking around […]

How to Prepare Your Garage Door for Winter

In case you haven’t noticed, the weather has started turning cooler. Winter is quickly approaching, and that means starting to prepare for long nights and cold days. For many people, this means verifying that your heating system is working properly and sealing up any areas where cold can sneak into the home. It may also mean that it’s time to get the chimney cleaned and ready for another winter of toasty fires. One thing that you may not think about for your winter preparations though is your garage door. While it’s frequently forgotten until it stops working, following these tips […]

Why You Should Hire a Professional for Garage Cable Replacement

In the era of do-it-yourself guides, tutorials, walkthroughs, and how-to videos, it can be rather easy to believe that a short little YouTube video can get you through just about any task. But unfortunately, that simply isn’t the case. Some jobs are more complex than others, and a single mistake could become very costly. If you’ve ever tried cooking like a gourmet chef, you may have realized that there really is something to all those years of training and experience. It’s not always as easy as just following the recipe. The same is true for garage door repairs. Read below […]

5 Reasons to Hire a Professional for Garage Cable Replacement

Garage doors come in many shapes and sizes, and they’re surprisingly complicated pieces of equipment. Repairing them often involves mechanical knowledge, as well as dealing with heavy doors under a lot of tension. Here are 5 reasons garage cable replacement in Lansing should always be handled by a professional. Safety The most important reason to hire a pro to repair garage springs in Lansing is your safety. Springs and cables are under a lot of pressure, and the tension can make them snap and cause serious injury if they’re not handled correctly. Garage doors are also infamous for pinching – and even […]

5 Signs of a Broken Garage Door Spring

The most significant parts of your commercial or residential garage door are the springs, which hold everything together and control the movement that allows for your garage door’s opening and closing functionality. If your garage door is hard to open or close, jerks when opening, or the timing is off, then something may be wrong with your garage door spring or springs. A garage door that won’t shut or open properly can be extremely frustrating and inconvenient. There are a few reasons your garage door may be having trouble going up and down correctly, but often the cause of this […]


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